Day 26: Character Web — 30 Days of Nanowrimo Prep

Good morning, writers! Today we’re going back into brainstorming mode to think about what other characters might populate your story. 

I like to do this exercise on paper, with a pencil or pen, because it’s going to be a map. The idea is to think of other characters who can impact your main character and your story.

In the middle of a sheet of paper, write your MC’s name. Who are her parents? Her best friends? Does she have a rival or enemy? Does she have mentors, or mentees, or siblings? Aunts and uncles? Teachers? Other people in the community? Pets? (For the purposes of this episode, pets totally count as characters!)

As you think of people, if a name pops up, go ahead and use it, but if you don’t know, it’s okay to leave it blank, too.

You might start thinking now about the ways that these people interact with your MC. For example, I know that my character loves her parents but she’s at odds with them right now, and she wants to do things