Day 25: Food and Drinks — 30 Days of Nanowrimo Prep

It’s the last week before Nano. Tomorrow we’ll get to some writing craft and brainstorming again, but today I want to talk about getting your writers’ fuel ready.

For me, meal planning takes up a lot of time, not just making it, but thinking about it, planning the menu, getting the groceries, and so on. It just takes up a lot of mental space during the day — I start getting anxious about “what’s for dinner” from about 3pm on and it becomes hard to focus.

So this year, for Nano, I’m going to spend this week cooking ahead, freezing stuff, stashing snacks and other easy-to-eat foods, and investing in some ready-made (or close to ready-made) meals like ramen. If I know what’s for dinner, that will free up a lot of my mental energy! 

I don’t know if my problem is similar at all to yours, but I think it might be worth a few minutes of your time to think about how to feed yourself with minimal effort (and still be healthy!) during November.

(Plus, for Americans, there’s that whole Thanksgiving thing, which could deliver a bunch of leftovers for you to feast on for a couple of days after!)
