Day 24: Nano Tools — 30 Days of Nanowrimo Prep

Today, let’s spend our fifteen minutes thinking about and selecting tools for our month of writing. Having the right tools on hand is an important part of setting yourself up for success!

Think about every aspect of your process. Do you like to brainstorm or scribble in a notebook as well as type into a keyboard? Do you have a space to work, a desk or a corner of a countertop, a favorite chair, your side of the couch? I also like to keep a yoga mat handy to take stretch breaks.

If you live with other people, you should tell them what you’re going to do, and ask them to give you the time and space. I know it’s hard with children, especially young ones, but a critical aspect of getting through Nano is carving out that time for writing, so the more you can do this month to prep your family and roommates and friends, the better.

What about reference books, inspirational materials, notes? Assemble your collection of materials that might be useful to you as you write this story. Some writers like to put up images for inspiration. I like to keep Tarot cards near by because I sometimes do readings for my characters or my story when I’m stuck.

Do what you can to gather what you need so you can sit down in comfort on November 1 and just start writing!
