Day 23: What’s Important — 30 Days of Nanowrimo Prep

Hello writers, today we’re going to do an exercise that’s about highlighting the stuff in your story that you think is important!

I think most writers (at least ones I talk to) write chronologically, and especially when pantsing, which is what I typically do for Nano. And remember that if you do this, it is perfectly fine and good to have a brackets like “[and then somehow she escapes]” for scenes that you don’t quite know how to write yet. The point of Nano, at least for me, is to ride the momentum to the end and not let little details like that get in the way.

BUT! You don’t have to write chronologically. I’ve had success in the past by starting with a scene that I knew HAD to be in the story. In my YA romance, for example, I knew I had to have a ballroom scene where my characters meet, and I wrote that pretty early in my draft even though it doesn’t happen until about the midpoint.

So today, go back to Day One, when I asked you to write down the spark that excites you. Is there a scene that comes to mind when you think about this? Today, brainstorm a scene that could deliver this feeling that inspired you. It doesn’t matter if you don’t know *where* in the novel it goes yet. You should just know that you really want it to be in there!
