Day 27: Managing Distractions — 30 Days of Nanowrimo Prep

We’re very close to the start of Nano now, and it’s exciting! 

Today I’m going to examine my distractions. Most of us have habits that can get in the way of writing focus and creative time. For me, it’s Twitter,  Discord, Slack, and video games. 

Today, make a pact with yourself about how you’ll manage your time. I had a writer friend whose secret was, “No internet before noon.” That’s probably impossible for most of us. But no Twitter before noon? That’s achievable!

I’ve had success using games as rewards, too. I’ll tell myself that if write for a half-hour, I can play a half-hour of Stardew Valley or Animal Crossing or whatever game I’m really into at the moment. Or I can pop onto Discord and check out conversations for fifteen minutes. That way you have something to look forward to, you’re not depriving yourself and feeling left out, but you’re still putting your writing first, which is the important thing.

Go ahead and make your own pacts today! AND WRITE THEM DOWN! 🙂
