Celebrating My Birthday During a Pandemic and Political Crisis

At some point in my adulthood, I transitioned from “Nah, birthdays aren’t that important” to “YES IT’S MY BIRTHDAY, TIME TO CELEBRATE ALL WEEK.” I don’t know why, exactly. Maybe I got to a stage in my life where I feel like every year survived is a feat worth commemorating? Also, how many times do we let ourselves appreciate ourselves? Birthdays are a good time to do that, I think.

I like the idea of rituals but I’m bad at coming up with them. That said, previous birthdays have often involved some sort of trip. One of my favorites was a weekend in Sea Ranch with David, my sister, and her husband. Ah, Sea Ranch in January with the chilly breeze and the bright sun and the walks along the sea cliffs — it was glorious. The year before last, David and I rented a small cabin in Joshua Tree and went for desert walks during the day, watched the stars at night, and it was maical.

This year, obviously, we’re not doing a trip. But I’m still going to take tomorrow (and, let’s be honest, the entire weekend) to indulge in the things I like and thank myself for having made it this far.

I’m going to wake up to a delicious café au lait with oat milk, then maybe David will French toast, or I’ll make oatmeal pancakes with blueberries. I’m setting aside time for writing for pure pleasure: maybe working on a new story or a fanfic. At some point in the afternoon I’m going to take a luxurious bath while watching Bridgerton and eating chocolate and drinking champagne, because that sounds fun and I’m not usually a bath person but we moved into this house this summer with a ridiculous bathtub that must be used. In the evening, a socially-distanced sunset walk to the beach with a couple of friends who live in the neighborhood. For dinner, wine and take out from my favorite local restaurant. 

That’s it. It’s not super elaborate (apart from the bath, which sounds elaborate *to me* since I am NOT typically a bath person) but it feels like forming a plan about my birthday gives it some intention and weight, if that makes sense. 

Anyway, take this as a reminder to celebrate yourself regularly. Maybe more than once a year, even! We’re still here, and that means something. 


One Reply to “Celebrating My Birthday During a Pandemic and Political Crisis”

  1. That all sounds wonderful! With the way the world is today, you should definitely take several days to pamper yourself and indulge 🙂

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