Day 18: Health — 30 Days of Nanowrimo Prep

This series has been about building the habit of working on something every day. During Nano, it’ll be working on your word count. This month, it’s about working on preparation. 

You should also consider building a habit of health.

Cory Doctorow, who taught my cohort at Clarion, likes to say that “your body is more than something to carry your brain around.” He led us in daily yoga sessions before class, and sunset walks down to the beach, and advised us that, whatever writing ritual we created for ourselves, it not be tied to alcohol or drugs.

On a very humble level, I’ve found that it improves my creativity, my energy, and my mood if I’ve also build a practice of health. What that means to me is, I try to do some moving and stretching every day. I try to remember to drink water. I try to eat things that make me feel good. I try to play music every day. I try to go for a walk every day. 

Protect and defend that exercise time just as much as you do your writing time, if not more. You only have one body. But you can always write another day.

Today is about thinking of how you’ll support your health during Nanowrimo. Maybe you already have an active exercise routine that works for you — that’s great! Make sure you don’t carve into it for your writing time. 

If you’re having trouble getting started, start small! And pick things you like, rather than what you think you *should* do. Set yourself up for success. Maybe it’s just doing five push-ups and five sit-ups every day. I like following videos for exercise, so I have a collection of yoga and ballet videos on Youtube. I stretch while watching TV after dinner. Whatever works for you.

But don’t neglect it. Take care of yourself.
