Day 16: Community — 30 Days of Nanowrimo Prep

Over the years, something I’ve discovered about myself is that I am a highly collaborative person. I love community (hello, yes, ENFP here.) I thrive in environments where I can share work with other people, commiserate, cheer each other on, ask questions, brainstorm, etc. 

Even if you’re not highly oriented to other people, I think it can be useful for Nanowrimo to have one or two accountability buddies, to whom you can report word count, or organize sprints with. 

Today, I encourage you to spend your 15 minutes thinking about what community might help you around Nanowrimo, and then make plans to create that as much as possible! If an accountability buddy is what you need, contact some friends and ask. Or hop on over to Nanowrimo HQ and check out their forum or their other community tools, where you can find groups or regions to join.

There are also a number of other communities and groups! Dream Foundry, whose mission is to support new and emerging writers, artists, and creators, run contests and host panels, and also maintain a Discord server that’s public for anyone to join. Signing up for Cat Rambo’s Patreon lets you in to a pretty active Discord server with lots of writers and a critique club. I’m sure lots of other writers have similar set ups but those are two that I’m aware of and that I belong to.

Or, set one up yourself! I have a weekly writing date with a friend, for a couple of hours, and it’s at least one check-in that helps keep me motivated. It doesn’t have to be writing, either. You could set up “productivity dates” with nonwriter friends, so they can work on whatever while you get your words in for Nano.

Have fun, and see you tomorrow!
