Friday Friday Friday

Well this week was A WEEK. Luckily, it’s spring break now for my Day Job! A whole week off! I have lots of plans: I’m going to work through some edits on a novel I submitted for beta reading last summer (ugh, so long ago!); I’ve got a couple of short stories bouncing around in my head; and I’m going to embark on a hand-sewing project, making this: a Regency shift.

I haven’t talked about it much but I recently got super interested in historical costuming and went down a rabbit hole of historical sewing, especially sewing by hand. I think as a knitter, the idea of hand-sewing really appeals to me. It’s a very portable craft that you can do sitting on the couch. I’ve tried machine-sewing, and while I enjoy it, it lacks that tactile, sensory pleasure I get from knitting, and I think hand-sewing might be the ticket. I know it’s super slow, but for me it’s really about the process and not the end project (although I hope my first attempt goes reasonable well.)

For fabric, I got some 5.3 oz linen on sale at Fabric-Store (a really wonderful place to find linen). I’m going to head to my local fabric shop to find some good scissors and needles and thread; and a thimble, which I’ve read is very helpful for hand-sewing. We will see how it goes!

And in other news, I’m now part of a podcast about writing: Genre Hustle. Season 2 just started so give it a listen if you’re interested in writing speculative fiction.